CNG 101
What is compressed natural gas (CNG)?
Compressed natural gas (CNG) is natural gas (methane), pressurized up to 3,600 psi. CNG has many benefits that have made it an increasingly attractive alternative to diesel fuel. CNG is:
Natural gas is available at low-prices in the United States. Many States have legislated a tax-advantage for CNG. Low commodity prices and low fuel taxes lead to a significant dollar-per-mile cost-savings for CNG versus diesel.
Natural gas is a low-carbon fuel, meaning its combustion in engines naturally leads to less emissions than diesel. Most notably less green-house gases (GHG) and less nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions.
CNG's well-to-wheel GHG emissions are 17% lower than diesel. RNG offers an ever greater reduction in GHG emissions, for more information see RNG 101.
Courtesy NGVA
Nitrous Oxides (NOx)
110 million Americans reside in areas with exceedingly poor air quality.
NOx is a primary cause of smog and air pollution.
EPA has causally linked NOx exposure with respiratory effects including asthma in children.
Heavy-duty diesel trucks cause 26% of NOX emission nationwide
Using new Ultra Low-NOx CNG engines, CNG trucks emit over 20x less NOx than today’s diesel trucks. CNG trucks running with these engines qualify for “near-zero emissions” and many different grants and incentive programs. CNG trucks can be cleaner than electric vehicles when including upstream NOx emissions.
Cost-Effective Emissions Reduction. Natural gas vehicles deliver the most cost-effective NOx emissions reduction of all available technologies. This makes NGVs eligible for a multitude of State and Federal grants, see Incentive Funding for more information or contact an Amp Americas representative.
Almost all (97%) of natural gas consumed in the US is from US sources, when you include Canada and Mexico, that number increases to 99.7%. The EIA projects a 85+ year supply of natural gas in the United States. Utilizing CNG as a transportation fuel allows Americans to decrease our dependence on foreign oil and bolsters our domestic economy.
Other Benefits
Very safe. Natural gas is lighter than air and does not leak into groundwater. Natural gas has a limited combustion ratio and high ignition temperature. These properties make natural gas a safe alternative to diesel.
Distribution Infrastructure. Natural gas can be transported across the United States using the country's existing pipeline network, minimizing the cost of distribution.
Quieter. Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) have 80-90% lower decibel ratings than a comparable diesel.
Proven Reliable. With over 23 million NGVs world-wide and model types available in virtually every application, NGVs have proven to be a reliable alternative to diesel trucks in transportation.
Nationwide Station Network. With over 1,500 natural gas fueling stations nation-wide, NGV owners do not have to worry about where and whether they will be able to fill up.
For more information see our CNG 101 Booklet.